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Construction Solution Service

We do effective remodeling work in consideration of the added value of buildings, aiming at a total service inclusive of comprehensive diagnosis,
planning and proposals, design, and construction using environmentally friendly, low energy materials, A / S and asset management.



We create a new value space for customers on the basis of our best design, techniques, and expertise.

URBAN OASIS [다양성, 유연성을 반영한 그린 공통체의 실현:도심 속 빌딩 사이 공공의 오픈스페이스, 공원, 광장 사람들이 잠시 걸음을 멈추고 편하게 쉴 수 있는 공간]

					 + Balanced  Design [선택과 집중을 통해?외부환경과 조화롭고 지속가능한  디자인 추구]
 핵심경쟁력:Programing-디자인기획,컨셉설계,공간분석 / Design-실내디자인 공간연출,사인 및 디스플레이 환경디자인 / Implemention-시공기획/감리 견적 사후관리


THREE TYPES of Community Interior Design
  • 커뮤니티 인테리어 디자인 NATURE STYLE1 커뮤니티 인테리어 디자인 NATURE STYLE2 커뮤니티 인테리어 디자인 NATURE STYLE3
    NATURE STYLE Space design with an emphasis on natural light and mood, excluding artificial lighting and decoration to create a nature-friendly space
  • 커뮤니티 인테리어 디자인 BRICK STYLE1 커뮤니티 인테리어 디자인 BRICK STYLE2 커뮤니티 인테리어 디자인 BRICK STYLE3
    BRICK STYLE Unique, new design as symbolic space with a combination of exterior brick and black & white colors
  • 커뮤니티 인테리어 디자인 CHIC MODERN STYLE1 커뮤니티 인테리어 디자인 CHIC MODERN STYLE1 커뮤니티 인테리어 디자인 CHIC MODERN STYLE1
    CHIC MODERN STYLE Differentiated design using dynamic elements for community space with tempered natural texture material and URBAN tone on tone coloration

Key service types

  • Design/Operation Consultation Providing the customized design
    programs and developing the
    user and operator design
  • interior constructionSystematic Construction Considering
    High Quality Construction
    Technology and As through
    accumulated know-how
  • Demonstration/Specific OperationDeveloping an operation support program
    for the residential community in an
    apart ment complex