Human Rights Management
Human Rights and Labor Policy
Daelim Co., Ltd. embraces the “Management with Respect for Human Beings” as its foundational management principle. This principle guarantees and respects human dignity, freedom, and the right to happiness.
We, at Daelim Co., Ltd., respect and support internationally recognized human rights international standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the UNGC's human rights and labor principles, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the International Labor Organization's core conventions.
Our human rights policy applies to all of its executives and employees of Daelim Co., Ltd. We are committed to sharing and promoting the human rights policy among all stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by our business activities, including customers and partner companies. Our goal is to enhance and spread awareness of human rights issues.
In our pursuit to respect human rights, Daelim Co., Ltd. is dedicated to protecting the rights of all executives and employees and actively strives to prevent any form of human rights violations with our organization.
1. Prioritization of Eco-Certified Products in Purchasing
When purchasing products, Daelim Co., Ltd. prioritizes eco-certified products to support environmental sustainability. Daelim Co., Ltd. respects the human rights of all executives and employees and prohibits any inhumane treatment such as mental or physical coercion, verbal abuse, or sexual harassment that violates their human rights and verbal, physical, or visual behavior that may cause discomfort to other executives and employees. Daelim Co., Ltd. maintains channels for victims to safely report incidents of harm. We are committed to creating a safe working environment by protecting victims and implementing disciplinary and relief procedures as necessary.
2. Prohibition of Forced Labor
Daelim Co., Ltd. strictly prohibits any form of assault, intimidation, confinement, human trafficking, slave labor, or any other forms of unreasonable restraint of mental or physical freedom or forced labor against the will of executives and employees.
3. Prohibition of Child Labor
Daelim Co., Ltd. complies with regulations regarding the employment of children as set forth in all countries and international laws where we conducts business.
4. No Discrimination Policy
Daelim Co., Ltd. is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, free from any form of discrimination in management, hiring, and other employment practices. We ensure equal opportunities in all aspects of employment (recruitment, promotion, wages, compensation, training, etc.) to executives, employees, and applicants, and prohibit any discrimination based on gender, age, race, religion, union activity, disability, pregnancy, marital status, and social status.
5. Working Hours and Conditions
Daelim Co., Ltd. complies with regulations related to regular and excessive working hours and holidays in all countries and under international laws in which Daelim Co., Ltd. conducts business. We do not force employees to work beyond regular working hours.
6. Freedom of Association
Daelim Co., Ltd. respects the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining as guaranteed by all countries and international laws in which Daelim Co., Ltd. conducts business. We foster an environment in which executives and employees can communicate freely with the company without fear of intimidation or retaliation. Furthermore, we do not engage in unfair treatment related to the formation, membership, or activities of labor unions.